
IBAN:  DE33 4306 0967 1197 8055 00


Sankranti e.V. was founded in 2012 in Berlin. We are a small association and all members work transparently and on a voluntary basis. We try to keep running costs to a minimum so that as much money as possible reaches those who really need it.

It is very important to us that we use your donations responsibly – in other words, we make sure we don’t waste any money. In order to save money, we do all our own advertising and design work. Many thanks Bettina Grohnert from Berlin! She is our website programmer and she works for reduced rates. Many thanks Anthony Watson from Blumenthal! He has translated the whole website into English, for no cost.

We would appreciate a donation!

Every donation, large or small is welcome. It’s the gesture of solidarity that counts!

We would be happy to provide you with a donation receipt. Please remember to advise us of your postal address preferably by email to sankranti@gmx.de

Sankranti e.V. has the status of a non-profit organisation and in accordance with the Berlin tax authority (28. 06. 2017) is exempt from taxes. The association’s representative, Monika Ratering is authorised to issue donation receipts.



… and thank you to all the people in India and other parts of the world that have managed to preserve their culture and their love of nature despite pressure of competition, despite globalisation and despite other opposition!

… and thank you to everyone who is taking a stand for a better world!

… and thank you to everyone who has so faithfully donated to our association and our projects.

… and thank you to Mrs. Dr. Vandana Shiva who has been standing up for farmers for years and has been championing biodiversity. It is her we have to thank that there is still traditional seed in India.


Dr. Vandana Shiva explains that a farmer painted this mural on her wall out of gratitude and joy that traditional seed is still available.


Our thanks…

also go to three foundations that financially support our project, Village of HOPE:

  • Aktion Selbstbesteuerung e.V., Stuttgart
  • ERBACHER STIFTUNG, Kleinheubach
  • Stiftung Nord-Südbrücken, Berlin

We would also like to thank the Berlin foundation “Umverteilen”, which sponsored the Ghee production site in the village in 2019.

Register Entry:

Entry in the Register of Associations on 28.06.2017

Registration Office: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin

Register number: VR 32008 B

Tax Identification Number:

Tax Identification Number pursuant to § 27 Value Added Tax Act:

Tax Number: 11/27/677/65175

Regulating Authority:

Finanzamt für Körperschaften 1, Berlin

Responsible for content pursuant to § 55 para. 2 RStV:

Monika Ratering
Strelitzer Str. 71
10115 Berlin