In 2022, we want to implement the Paperplate project that we have been planning for several months.This project will be sustainable and will comprise 18 of the poorest women from three villages in the District of Warangal, and will ensure them a long-term supplementary income. The paper plates aren’t made out of recycled paper, as I first thought, but from dried leaves. Following a query from Aktion Selbstbesteuerung, Mr Ramesh assured me that they are “cow friendly”. The plates are made by hand with the help of a machine. Our donation will be used to provide starting capital for machines, raw materials and technical instruction. After the initial set-up phase, the business will be entirely handed over to the women so that they can then be independent. There is no risk as there is a large demand for disposable plates, especially as big events are finally taking place in India again.
The Berlin charity Umverteilen has granted us 5000 euros, and the charity Aktion Selbstbesteuerung e.V., from Stuttgart has granted 1500 euros for our proposed Paper Plate project. Together with your donations totaling 3000 euros, we now have a grand total of 9500 euros for the project. The funds were transferred in December.
Our gratitude goes to Umverteilen and Aktion Selbstbesteuerung e.V.
and last but not least…
Many thanks to all of you for your loyal support!