
IBAN:  DE33 4306 0967 1197 8055 00

February 2020

Mr. Ramesh visited Kummarigudem and talked to many villagers, here he talks to us about his impressions… 2:16 minutes

Moringa, nach der Aussaat// Moringa, also called drum stick, after sowing

Moringa, nach der Aussaat// Moringa, also called drum stick, after sowing

Moringa wächst auch in trockenen Regionen// Moringa also grows in dry regions

Moringa wächst auch in trockenen Regionen// Moringa also grows in dry regions

Moringa wächst ohne neue Anzucht immer wieder nach// Moringa grows again without needing to be re-sown

Moringa wächst ohne neue Anzucht immer wieder nach// Moringa grows again without needing to be re-sown







Latest from Kummarigudem – Village of HOPE :

It seems as if Dr. Sai Sundar has been sent from heaven, because he has a very promising solution to the green fodder problem. He is offering his knowledge and his seeds for free, and the farmers and the Goshala Trust are very keen to follow his recommendations. He is an expert on plant nutrients and believes Moringa, also known as drumstick, to be the solution. Moringa grows in dry soil, is incredibly nutrient-rich, and once sown, doesn’t need to be re-seeded. The tips of the plant are cut off and used for fodder. More information about Moringa can be found on the Murungai-India Facebook page.