Things are progressing!
Thanks to your donations we were able to give our trainers some financial help. Even during the pandemic, Mr. Ashok has offered his support to our Village of HOPE in an advisory capacity. He’s an idealist and forgoes his own comfort for the well-being of his cows. He collects and preserves real treasures in the form of old traditional resilient seed varieties.

Mr. Ashok has set up a seed bank on his farm with old resilient varieties// Trainer Ashok hat auf seiner Farm eine Saatgutbank mit alten widerstandsfähigen Sorten eingerichtet

Thanks to your donations he was able to repair his cow enclosure// Dank unserer Unterstützung konnte er sein Kuhgehege restaurieren

On a field visit, Mr. Ashok (right) tirelessly passes on his immense knowledge// Bei einem Feldbesuch: Mr. Ashok (rechts) gibt sein immenses Wissen unermüdlich weiter