
IBAN:  DE33 4306 0967 1197 8055 00

May 2021

Appeal for donations

The situation in India has been deteriorating dramatically over the past few days. People are at finding it hard to cope and the despair in the towns is enormous. There is no financial rescue package. The situation is dire. There are children who have lost both parents and are now alone in the house. People we know well are going hungry. My dressmaker doesn’t even have 10 rupees to by a lemon.

Our dependable Indian partner organisation, the Maharshi Goshala Charitable Trust wants to help. Last week they decided they would set up a basic supplies centre on their own grounds. They will deliver food parcels and basic foodstuffs to people who can no longer leave their homes. The trust will also supply Ayurvedic medicine to the sick.

Every donation, large or small, is welcome and 100% of it will reach the people who need it.



April 2021

Things are progressing!

Thanks to your donations we were able to give our trainers some financial help. Even during the pandemic, Mr. Ashok has offered his support to our Village of HOPE in an advisory capacity. He’s an idealist and forgoes his own comfort for the well-being of his cows. He collects and preserves real treasures in the form of old traditional resilient seed varieties.

Mr. Ashok has set up a seed bank on his farm with old resilient varieties// Trainer Ashok hat auf seiner Farm eine Saatgutbank mit alten widerstandsfähigen Sorten eingerichtet

Mr. Ashok has set up a seed bank on his farm with old resilient varieties// Trainer Ashok hat auf seiner Farm eine Saatgutbank mit alten widerstandsfähigen Sorten eingerichtet

Thanks to your donations he was able to repair his cow enclosure// Dank unserer Unterstützung konnte er sein Kuhgehege restaurieren

Thanks to your donations he was able to repair his cow enclosure// Dank unserer Unterstützung konnte er sein Kuhgehege restaurieren

On a field visit, Mr. Ashok (right) tirelessly passes on his immense knowledge// Bei einem Feldbesuch: Mr. Ashok (rechts) gibt sein immenses Wissen unermüdlich weiter

On a field visit, Mr. Ashok (right) tirelessly passes on his immense knowledge// Bei einem Feldbesuch: Mr. Ashok (rechts) gibt sein immenses Wissen unermüdlich weiter

December 2020

Mr. Swamynarayana, member of our partner organisation, the Maharshi Goshala Charitable Trust in Warangal visited the the three villages in Atmakur Mandal in Warangal District/ Telangana and talked to all 15 women to find out what they had used their subsidy payment for. A new sustainable project was also discussed that would enable other poor women to earn an additional income.

Mr. S. interviews each woman// Mr. Swamynarayana interviewt jede Frau

Mr. S. interviews each woman// Mr. Swamynarayana interviewt jede Frau

September 2020

Presenting of cheques

Wow – thank you! Up to September 2020 a total of 5000 Euros has been raised for this project, which I was able to transfer to our partner organisation, the Maharshi Goshala Charitable Trust. A week after that, on 26 September, each of the 15 women was presented with a cheque for 25,000 rupees.

Since these women have learned to be careful with money, we were sure that they would use it wisely, and therefore no conditions were attached to the payment. At first the women couldn’t believe that there wasn’t a catch somewhere. Puzzled, they asked why people from a foreign country would give them a substantial sum of money “just like that” without wanting anything in return. I would like to pass on their heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made this project possible.

Every woman received a cheque for 25,000 rupees // Jede Frau erhielt einen Scheck über 25000 Rupien

Every woman received a cheque for 25,000 rupees // Jede Frau erhielt einen Scheck über 25000 Rupien


Report in the local press// Bericht in der lokalen Presse

Report in the local press// Bericht in der lokalen Presse

March – August 2020

Appeal for donations

The life stories of these women are all similar. They come from poor backgrounds and are now single. They married young and many are illiterate. Their husbands were small farmers who were made reliant on the greedy chemical agriculture industry and were driven to suicide.

When their husbands took their own lives, the women were still in their mid-twenties and were confronted with a huge mountain of debt. In many cases their belongings were confiscated or sold for a miserable price. Some women were cast out by their family. As a widow in India you are automatically viewed as a disgrace. After the death of their husbands, the women are never again allowed to take part in religious or family celebrations, even when their own children, who they brought up under great hardship, get married. In some places in India widows hardly dare to venture out on to the streets, as just the mere sight of them is said to bring bad luck. These 15 women have teemed up and managed to cope a little better with their desperate situation. They live in three neighbouring villages and visit and support each other. Although their children have grown up, the struggle for survival continues.

To the supporters of our projects: with your help we’d like to offer every woman an unconditional subsidy towards their living costs. Every contribution from us, large or small, brings great relief to the difficult lives of these women.

The photo below shows the entire room in which one of the women lives with her 20-year-old daughter. The roof leaks and looks like it could collapse at any moment. The floor is made from tamped down earth.

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to live in this hut during the monsoon or the scorching summer when the temperature reaches 45°c.

They have nothing except for these utensils and ten sheep.

This is one woman’s “house”. She lives here with her 20-year-old daughter/ Wohnung für eine Mutter mit ihrer 20-jährigen Tochter

This is one woman’s „house”. She lives here with her 20-year-old daughter// Dies ist die „Wohnung“ einer Frau, hier lebt sie mit ihrer 20-jährigen Tochter

November 2019

Neues aus Kummarigudem – Village of HOPE :
Dank aller Spenden konnte die kleine Produktionsstätte für die Herstellung von Ghee (Butterschmalz) eröffnet werden. Die hochwertige A2 Milch der Indischen Giri Kühe wird also ab jetzt direkt im Dorf zu Ghee verarbeitet. Das bringt betriebswirtschaftlich große Erleichterung, da mit doppelten Einnahmen pro Liter Milch zu rechnen ist.

März 2019

Neues aus Kummarigudem – Village of HOPE :

  • Fünf weiteren Familien wurde eine Kuh mit Kälbchen übergeben.
  • Gemeinsamer Ausflug zu einer Bio Farm, die nach der ZBNF Methode anbauen. zwecks Erfahrungsaustausch und Feldbesichtigung
  • Networking- Durchführung einer Dorfversammlung mit vielen lokalen Akteuren und Gästen aus der Bio-Szene
  • Die Vernetzung schreitet voran! Der Maharshi Goshala Charitable Trust (unsere Indische Partnerorganisation) und der neue Trainer Mr. Ramanareddy beraten und unterstützen die Bauern bei der Vermarktung ihrer organischen Produkte
  • Der neue Trainer Mr. Ramanareddy gibt weiterhin regelmäßige Schulungen im Dorf, er ist Experte der ZBNF Anbaumethode und bewirtschaftet selbst eine Farm mit Giri-Milchkühen.

Im Dorf finden weiterhin regelmäßige Schulungen statt, meistens am Abend, tagsüber wird es mitunter mehr als 43 Grad. Der Klimawandel bewirkt unvorhersehbare Dürren, sowie Regen, manchmal sogar Hagel zu völlig ungewöhnlichen Zeiten

November 2018

Am 29. November gab es im Bundestag eine Diskussionsrunde mit dem Ziel der Förderung von Agrarökologie und nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen. Die Trägerin des   Alternativen  Nobelpreises  Dr. Vandana Shiva aus Indien lieferte hierzu aktuelle Informationen.

Monika Ratering, 1. Vors. Sankranti e. V. und Dr. Vandana Shiva


In Indien und anderen Staaten des Himalayagebiets gibt es zunehmend ein gemeinsames Vorgehen, um die Natur in der Region und die Millionen Menschen dort zu schützen und unterstützen. Der indische Bundesstaat Sikkim ist im Anbau auf 100 % Bio!!! umgestiegen und hat dafür gerade mehrere Auszeichnungen überreicht bekommen.
Andere Bundesstaaten wollen Sikkims Beispiel folgen (Zeitungsartikel, siehe unten Juli 2018).